Vita Pauli
Per idem ergo tempus quo talia gerebantur apud inferiorem Thebaidem, cum sorore iam uiro tradita morte amborum parentum in haereditate locupleti Paulus relictus est, annorum circiter sexdecim, litteris tam Graecis quam Aegyptiacis adprime eruditus, mansueti animi, Deum ualde amans. Et cum persecutionis detonaret procella, in uilla remotiore secretior erat.
Verum quid pectora humana non cogis 'Auri sacra fames'? Sororis maritus coepit prodere uelle quem celare debuerat. Non illum uxoris lacrimae, non communio sanguinis, non exspectans cuncta ex alto Deus ab scelere reuocauerunt. Aderat, instabat, crudelitate quasi pietate utebatur.
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
While such enormities were being perpetrated in the lower part of the Thebaid, Paul and his newly married sister were bereaved of both their parents, he being about sixteen years of age. He was heir to a rich inheritance, highly skilled in both Greek and Egyptian learning, gifted with a gentle disposition and a deep love for God. Amid the thunders of persecution he retired to a house at a considerable distance and in a more secluded spot. But to what crimes does not the “accursed thirst for gold” impel the human heart? His brother-in-law conceived the thought of betraying the youth whom he was bound to conceal. Neither a wife’s tears which so often prevail, nor the ties of blood, nor the all-seeing eye of God above him could turn the traitor from his wickedness. “He P. 300 came, he was urgent, he acted with cruelty while seeming only to press the claims of affection.”