Vita Pauli
Tandem defatigatus et anhelus ad habitaculum suum confecto itinere peruenit. Cui cum duo discipuli, qui ei iam longaeuo ministrare coeperant, occurrissent dicentes: 'Vbi tamdiu moratus es, pater?', respondit: 'Vae mihi peccatori, qui falsum monachi nomen fero. Vidi Eliam, uidi Ioannem in deserto, et uere in paradiso Paulum uidi.'
Ac sic ore compresso et manu uerberans pectus ex cella pallium protulit. Rogantibusque discipulis ut plenius quidnam rei esset exponeret ait: 'Tempus tacendi et tempus loquendi.'
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
At last wearied and panting for breath he completed his journey and reached his little dwelling. Here he was met by two disciples who had begun to wait upon him in his advanced age. Said they, “Where have you stayed so long, father?” He replied, “Woe to me a sinner! I do not deserve the name of monk. I have seen Elias, I have seen John in the desert, and I have really seen Paul in Paradise.” He then closed his lips, beat upon his breast, and brought out the cloak from his cell. When his disciples asked him to explain the matter somewhat more fully he said, “There is a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.” 1
Eccl. iii. 7 . ↩