Lactance (250-325)
Epitome divinarum institutionum
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The Epitome of the Divine Institutes |
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Table des matières
- The Epitome of the Divine Institutes.
- The Preface.--The Plan and Purport of the Whole Epitome, And of the Institutions.
- Chap. I.--Of the Divine Providence.
- Chap. II.--That There is But One God, and that There Cannot Be More.
- Chap. III.--The Testimonies of the Poets Concerning the One God.
- Chap. IV.--The Testimonies of the Philosophers to the Unity of God.
- Chap. V.--That the Prophetic Women--That Is, the Sibyls--Declare that There is But One God.
- Chap. VI.--Since God is Eternal and Immortal, He Does Not Stand in Need of Sex and Succession.
- Chap. VII.--Of the Wicked Life and Death of Hercules.
- Chap. VIII.--Of Aesculapius, Apollo, Mars, Castor and Pollux, and of Mercurius and Bacchus.
- Chap. IX.--Of the Disgraceful Deeds of the Gods.
- Chap. X.--Of Jupiter, and His Licentious Life.
- Chap. XI.--The Various Emblems Under Which the Poets Veiled the Turpitude of Jupiter.
- Chap. XII.--The Poets Do Not Invent All Those Things Which Relate to the Gods.
- Chap. XIII.--The Actions of Jupiter are Related from the Historian Euhemerus.
- Chap. XIV.--The Actions of Saturnus and Uranus Taken from the Historians.
- Chap. XX.--Of the Gods Peculiar to the Romans.
- Chap. XXI.--Of the Sacred Rites of the Roman Gods.
- Chap. XXII.--Of the Sacred Rites Introduced by Faunus and Numa.
- Chap. XXIII.--Of the Gods and Sacred Rites of the Barbarians.
- Chap. XXIV.--Of the Origin of Sacred Rites and Superstitions.
- Chap. XXV.--Of the Golden Age, of Images, and Prometheus, Who First Fashioned Man.
- Chap. XXVI.--Of the Worship of the Elements and Stars.
- Chap. XXVII.--Of the Creation, Sin, and Punishment of Man; And of Angels, Both Good and Bad.
- Chap. XXVIII.--Of the Demons, and Their Evil Practices.
- Chap. XXIX.--Of the Patience and Providence of God.
- Chap. XXX.--Of False Wisdom.
- Chap. XXXI.--Of Knowledge and Supposition.
- Chap. XXXII.--Of the Sects of Philosophers, and Their Disagreement.
- Chap. XXXIII.--What is the Chief Good to Be Sought in Life.
- Chap. XXXIV.--That Men are Born to Justice.
- Chap. XXXV.--That Immortality is the Chief Good.
- Chap. XXXVI.--Of the Philosophers,--Namely, Epicurus and Pythagoras.
- Chap. XXXVII.--Of Socrates and His Contradiction.
- Chap. XXXVIII.--Of Plato, Whose Doctrine Approaches More Nearly to the Truth.
- Chap. XXXIX.--Of Various Philosophers, and of the Antipodes.
- Chap. XL.--Of the Foolishness of the Philosophers.
- Chap. XLI.--Of True Religion and Wisdom.
- Chap. XLII.--Of Religious Wisdom: the Name of Christ Known to None, Except Himself and His Father.
- Chap. XLIII.--Of the Name of Jesus Christ, and His Twofold Nativity.
- Chap. XLIV.--The Twofold Nativity of Christ is Proved from the Prophets.
- Chap. XLV.--The Power and Works of Christ are Proved from the Scriptures.
- Chap. XLVI.--It is Proved from the Prophets that the Passion and Death of Christ Had Been Foretold.
- Chap. XLVII.--Of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Sending of the Apostles, and the Ascension of the Saviour into Heaven.
- Chap. XLVIII.--Of the Disinheriting of the Jews, and the Adoption of the Gentiles.
- Chap. XLIX.--That God is One Only.
- Chap. L.--Why God Assumed a Mortal Body, and Suffered Death.
- Chap. LI.--Of the Death of Christ on the Cross.
- Chap. LII.--The Hope of the Salvation of Men Consists in the Knowledge of the True God, and of the Hatred of the Heathens Against the Christians.
- Chap. LIII.--The Reasons of the Hatred Against the Christians are Examined and Refuted.
- Chap. LIV.--Of the Freedom of Religion in the Worship of God.
- Chap. LV.--The Heathens Charge Justice with Impiety in Following God.
- Chap. LVI.--Of Justice, Which is the Worship of the True God.
- Chap. LVII.--Of Wisdom and Foolishness.
- Chap. LVIII.--Of the True Worship of God, and Sacrifice.
- Chap. LIX.--Of the Ways of Life, and the First Times of the World.
- Chap. LX.--Of the Duties of Justice.
- Chap. LXI.--Of the Passions.
- Chap. LXII.--Of Restraining the Pleasures of the Senses.
- Chap. LXIII.--That Shows are Most Powerful to Corrupt the Minds.
- Chap. LXIV.--The Passions are to Be Subdued, and We Must Abstain from Forbidden Things.
- Chap. LXV.--Precepts About Those Things Which are Commanded, and of Pity.
- Chap. LXVI.--Of Faith in Religion, and of Fortitude.
- Chap. LXVII.--Of Repentance, the Immortality of the Soul, and of Providence.
- Chap. LXVIII.--Of the World, Man, and the Providence of God.
- Chap. LXIX.--That the World Was Made on Account of Man, and Man on Account of God.
- Chap. LXX.--The Immortality of the Soul is Confirmed.
- Chap. LXXI.--Of the Last Times.
- Chap. LXXII.--Of Christ Descending from Heaven to the General Judgment, and of the Millenarian Reign.
- Chap. LXXIII.--The Hope of Safety is in the Religion and Worship of God.