Das Buch über Christus und den Antichrist (BKV)
11. Fortsetzung.
„Er wäscht im Weine sein Gewand:“ als nämlich im Jordan mit dem h. Geiste die Stimme des Vaters herabkam.1 „Und im Blute der Trauben sein Kleid.“ „Im Blute der Traube“, welch' anderer Traube, als der seines Fleisches, das wie die Traube in die Kelter, so auf das Holz gelegt wurde? aus dessen Seite zwei Quellen hervorsprudelten von Blut und S. 22 Wasser, durch welche die Völker abgewaschen und gereinigt werden, die er wie einen Mantel zu tragen gedacht wird.
Gewand bedeutet nach Hippolytus den Leib Christi. Statt [tēn] τήν ist im Griechischen [meta] μετά zu lesen. ↩
Treatise on Christ and Antichrist
"He shall wash his garment in wine," that is, according to that voice of His Father which came down by the Holy Ghost at the Jordan. 1 "And his clothes in the blood of the grape." In the blood of what grape, then, but just His own flesh, which hung upon the tree like a cluster of grapes?--from whose side also flowed two streams, of blood and water, in which the nations are washed and purified, which (nations) He may be supposed to have as a robe about Him. 2
The text gives simply, ten tou hagiou, etc., = the paternal voice of the Holy Ghost, etc. As this would seem to represent the Holy Ghost as the Father of Christ, Combefisius proposes, as in our rendering, kata ten dia tou hagiou, etc. The wine, therefore, is taken as a figure of His deity, and the garment as a figure of His humanity; and the sense would be, that He has the latter imbued with the former in a way peculiar to Himself--even as the voice at the Jordan declared Him to be the Father's Son, not His Son by adoption, but His own Son, anointed as man with divinity itself. ↩
The nations are compared to a robe about Christ, as something foreign to Himself, and deriving all their gifts from Him. ↩